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Lesson Scholarship Program Description

Drafted: April 9th, 2008
Modified: Jan 5th, 2009

Purpose: Acknowledging the following issues within the San Antonio Swing Dance Society: The limited size of the San Antonio Swing scene requires the Society to induce more interaction with other scenes and other instructors to bring more swing vocabulary and variety into San Antonio. The Society has a limited number of instructors, and therefore limited capacity to do advanced lessons; the Society needs to invest in improving our students beyond the lessons that are offered in San Antonio. The San Antonio Swing Dance Society is creating the SASDS Lesson Scholarship Program.

Description: This program will sponsor members of the San Antonio Swing Dance Society to attend organized lessons in Austin in order to transfer dancing skills and different personalities back to the San Antonio Swing scene.

Requirements and Restrictions: In order for a student to be sponsored by the society, they must fulfill the following terms:

To apply for this program, please contact a board member.

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