The Balboa was named after the location of its inception, the Balboa Peninsula, southern California. It evolved in the 1920’s from a number of popular dances of the day (Charleston, Collegiate Shag, Swing etc.). It is an 8-count dance done in closed (“Pure Bal") or open (“Bal-Swing") position. Characterized by an upright position, a body “pulse", and elaborate footwork, it’s most often danced at high speeds although it can be enjoyed at all tempos.
Balboa is taught locally from time to time in San Antonio by SASDS, but is also available in Austin at BalAustin and sometimes at Four on the Floor. Additionally, balboa DVDs are available in the SASDS Library.
Once you've learned some basics, national workshops is where you may have the most fun.
- Rocky Mountain Balboa Blowout - February 26- Febraury 28, 2010
- DC Balboa Weekend - March 18-20, 2011
- Balboa Rendezvous - April
- The Experiment - April (Must apply previous year)
- All Balboa Weekend - Independence, OH - June 11th
- Montreal Balboa Revue - Canada - June 18th
- Twin Cities Balboa Festival - Minneapolis, MN - July 23rd
- Camp Balboa Seattle - Sept
- Eastern Balboa Championships - Raleigh, NC - Oct
- The Snowball - Dec
- LindyFocus - Dec