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Intro to Swing

If you have little or no dance experience this class will get you moving swing style. Here you will learn:

Beginning East Coast

In this class you will learn the basic movements in East Coast Swing including:

In addition to these moves, the beginner class will introduce you to swing fundamentals that made leading and following creative and enjoyable.

Beginning Lindy

In this class you will learn the basic movements in Lindy Hop including:

Beginning Charleston

In this class you will learn the basic movements in Charleston including:

Beginning Balboa

In this class you will learn the basics of Balboa and Bal-Swing including:

In this class you will learn the basics of Blues dancing.

Intermediate X

Each intermediate class will expand on the beginner class. Different material will be covered even within the same dance and is the instructors choice. The focus at this level will be lead/follow technique, creativity/musicality, and variations.

Advanced Lindy

Prerequisite: Instructors permission or Two months of Intermediate Lindy.

This class will focus on advanced movement and dance fundamentals. Material will be instructors choice.

The Next Step—SASDS Lesson Scholarship Program

Are you beyond the level of the Lindy Variations and Freestyle class? Do you want to learn more, but can't afford the cost of Austin lessons? SASDS has created a new lesson sponsorship where we'll pay for a month of your lessons in Austin at Four on the Floor. Read the Program Description for the terms of the program.

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